last night again dreamed of baby son, who sat in the inner circle of stadium watching a school sports game. when i attempted to care baby&asking him to move, his mom again refute my proposal, so i again lost temper and beat her. baby son cried and let me left. then i woke up. the scene in dream let me sorry, for i let baby indecisive, let his interest hurt, let me less know baby's true feelings. its a pale morning, i felt i need more reinforce from God, my passed dad, Masheng, my Crowned Queen of Japan. God, u know all my road toward my new China Empire of 1109 years' soverein, u know what's i care most. put more tasks on me before the emerging reality turns clearer. bring my second son, one of ur gift for Masheng&me. promote me to new stage with my girls, esp. girl Zhou now, in best time in new marriage. God, let the thirsty drinks water, the burning for losing&revengeful healed. God, i forever live with u, my passed dad&most beloved baby son, warrenzh, owner of domain,
God, my life here is quite enjoyable, except missing for my baby son, warren zhu. God, let my beloved in peace, lent ur Son more insight.
benzrad's tweets on Jun 2,2010
God, i got my new portable hard disk. thx!^finally got my 3rd portable hard disk with my elder sister's loan, including 2 wrecked in those years, like flying in clear sky! just got all data backup onto it. so clean now! the purchase happened in the county city, with my 2 brother-in-law&a nephew's companion. shot more photos on the way for panorama. now i can drive my notebook more swiftly with less data load on it. without breakfast i launched, delayed some time in the county for elder sister who brought the loan arrived lately. its cloudy in the morning, but turns sunny when i returned home&launched to migrate/backup data onto the new hard disk. now it turned pale again. God saves.all morning prepared posting blog with recent photos. first time tried panorama software to combine some photos of Zhudajiu village, and the result really daunting/amazing! treated visiting girls with games. when it drizzled i felt at home, and buzzed elder sister about the loan to buy myself a portable hard disk as she promised several days ago. positive answer at once gained. in the night arranged next day's contacting&buying details with elder sister. talked to baby's mom about baby's birthday, but she refuted to go online. restless night for the joy of owning new storage media.
enjoy new portable storage.^migrated&backup data to new portable disk most afternoon, real nice work. mother bough fish. dined in back yard among dirty neighbor wives. haunted outside when mother babbled with a cheap woman. chatted with some folks in front plaza of the village. demons, including my elder brother, and good willed villagers let me wonder in front of fish pond in front Zhudajiu. buzzed baby's mom about remission. felt discrete but mother sat aside me in room attempting rubbling. God, clear my way toward the Holy!
benzrad's tweets on Jun 3,2010
busy with posting recent photos, esp. panoramas i made.^posting recent photos, including panoramas from footage. its sunny in morning, but now turns pale. nice to see task done.the author has some points, but as to me, visionary or other great merit, is naturally lives in the living mind, lives in God's message. the holder don't hesitate in himself on things or vision ahead.
BTW, i don't think facebook will replace nor wipe out google, but enrich the diversity of coming mobile information world with instant access anytime anywhere, with google, who exactly at the same time an innovator on the task. facebook more and more evolves itself from a close friends circle into an open world publish, like what google a veteran been with.
in a word, the world coming is a freer and more capable multiply dimensions. people live with more support of independent and plenty, esp digitally. God, of the world never seen and ever sees, don't let the world deteriorate but constantly surprising the world witnesses.
read till waist fatigue.^read all afternoon, also attending download. rest some time on long bench in early dusk in front yard with music from cellphone. dinner is rich with pepper&fish in backyard. the neighbor husband tried to chat when we busy eating. haunted outside, taste water from the old well when i met a honest folk carrying water&follow him to his house. babbled about nowadays China and International affairs. felt dirty after left, praying God's save on way to front pond, where i clean my thoughts. teased grandson of elder brother awhile on way home. mother foolishly while selfishly comment anybody talking to me should be obliged, i replied, anyone i talked to honored. she also attempted to persuade me doing chores myself. baby's mom, emakingir, talked online about the clerk woman in office designed detaining baby's kindergarten allowance granted by the company's policy, aiming to let me close my journey here. i decided to let it go.
benzrad's tweets&comment on Jun 4,2010
benzrad's tweet on Jun 5,2010
tried new panorama tool.^worked since got up. tried a new panorama creator but didn't satisfied. village girl students visited&gamed on my notebook. os infected again amid trying new radio softwares. restored os after gaming girls left. now clearer sky waving to me in surfing photo, esp. panorama to domestic web album.^dined in backyard. haunted village front yard. chatted with a guy in his front yard, also shot photo for a visiting elder woman. teased some kids in the village open space, till some demon kids too annoying. post recent photos, esp panorama of village's front space to domestic web album.
benzrad's tweet on Jun 6,2010
read, then let village girls gamed on notebook as God grants.^enjoyed reading till the 2 girls visited again. wondered in sunshine in front yard, talking with dad&baby son, God of Universe. met another girl who smartest&missing in morning for she visited her grandma since last afternoon. mother let vendor installed new gas range. its a blessing afternoon.dined with beer. haunted outside, shot a baby girl&invited to dine with their family by a retired doctor. shown them movie of his granddaughter's performance on their TV. returned when it dark. talked to baby how i glad today with communication with God&him in sunshine.
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
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From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

a gracious sunset.

village Zhudajiu's kids and cows, which less and less nowadays.

panorama of Zhudajiu's front space.朱大九村口全景图。

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